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Fireman's Birthday Parties are a Hot Kids Theme!

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Boys of all ages dream of being a fireman - celebrate this at your very own Fireman birthday party! Not only do firemen get to play with big red trucks and Dalmatians, but they are modern day heroes that children (both boys and girls) aspire to become.

Invite the guests to the Fireman's party by sending an invitation that looks like a Dalmatian, fire truck or ladder. "Come to the Marshall's firehouse to celebrate Zach's 7th birthday" is a clever announcement to write on the invitation.

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Upon arrival set ladders and fire trucks in your yard. This will not only extend the decorations to those being welcomed to your house, but will also help mark your house for those first time guests. As the guests arrive present each one with a special fireman's badge that can be made ahead of time by using cardstock and tape. This will give everyone the chance to be a fireman!

Fireman's Birthday Parties are a Hot Kids Theme!

If you are familiar with the local fire department ask if one of the off duty fireman can attend your party. They may be able to talk to the kids about fire safety and present the birthday boy or girl with a special fireman's helmet. Then take a moment for the fireman to pose with all the kids and take some snapshots for the scrapbook. Definitely a moment worth capturing!

These are just some ideas to incorporate into your next fireman's birthday party. Incorporating some of these into your next party will make your party a scorcher!

Fireman's Birthday Parties are a Hot Kids Theme! No URL

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